Thursday, April 15, 2010
Day 105
I remember playing Kid Icarus as a kid. It was such a difficult game for me. I never could get past the first stage. But it was still a memorable game from my childhood. It was so popular, the character of Pit even was featured on the old cartoon Captain N: The Game Master. Of course, it was a bit a annoying how he always put "-icus" at the end of almost every word he said. Not to mention it was somewhat insensitive to Greek culture as a whole, but that's an argument for another day. Speaking of Captain N though, I may do another game character from that series tomorrow. But whoever will it be?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day 104
I came down with the Fever today...the PAC-MAN FEVER! Doesn't get much more old school than this (I'm starting to get sick of the term "old school" personally). In hindsight, though, why did Pac Man have to eat all those dots and cherries? Did they belong to those little ghost guys? If so, that makcs Pac Man a low-life thief. Those ghosts have every right to protect their dots from his feeding frenzy! I'm amazed he hasn't become morbidly obese because of his constant eating. The dude should be about 600 pounds by now. Or maybe he's like me in that he can eat just about anything and never gain any weight (don't hate me, folks; I just have a ridiculously high metabolism). Anywho, there's my take on Pac-Man. More 8-Bit Legends to come!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Day 103
Another oldie but a goodie. Link from The Legend of Zelda. I know the Zelda series is still pretty popular these days, but I still love the old 8-bit game as well. Of course my favorite Zelda game has to be A Link to the Past. It's just such a great game, even by today standards of games. I've beaten it several times, but I still enjoy playing it. It's rare that you get games like that these days.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Day 102
Today begins Video Game Legends Week, in which I give my own little spin on some legendary characters from old school gaming consoles. 8-bit majesty is in store! And what better way to kick this week off than with Super Mario Bros. done with more epicness! Yeah, I made it seem more gritty and realistic in a way, but not like that horrible movie that came out in the '90s. I still have all the elements of the games; mushrooms, pipes, and the looming castle of King Bowser! Pretty epic, ain't it? Perhaps I'll add in some other characters from the series at another point. So enjoy the Super Epic Mario!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Day 101
The last couple is a devious duo indeed. Joker and Harley Quinn. It's kind of refreshing to see even the bad guys have matter how messed up it is. Needless to say, Mr. J is, to put it lightly, unpredictable. Perhaps that what attracts Harley to him; being a former psychiatrist she's been able to look inside the human mind and help fix a problem. With the Joker, she can't seem to find what makes him tick, and it's both frightening and sexy to her. I guess working years as a criminal psychiatrist can do things to a person's ego and such. And Joker seems to like to have her around as well. Mainly just to torment and use her, but she doesn't seem to mind. All couples have issues, for sure, but these two have their own lifetime subscription.
And thus ends Couples Week. Tune in tomorrow as we take on VIDEO GAME LEGENDS!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Day 100
It's my 100th post in this blog! WOOOO!
Anywho, here's Dinah Lance (a.k.a. Black Canary) and Oliver Queen (a.k.a. Green Arrow). If ever you wondered if opposites attract, look no further than these two. Ollie and Dinah have been through a lot. I could make an entire post about that, but that's for another day. Only one more couple to go this week. Who will it be?
Friday, April 9, 2010
Day 99
Here's another couple that's been through hell...literally. Poor Peter Parker and Mary-Jane Watson. For years they've been a staple in the Marvel universe, proving that superheroes can still be super and domesticated at the same time. But no! Some creators, who I don't really need to name, decided that they need to have their heroes be put through the wringer, and have them be as miserable as possible and not have any kind of normal life whatsoever! So much so that Spider-Man had to make a deal with Mephisto to save his dying, elderly aunt. What deal you ask? Well that would be telling wouldn't it?...the deal was to negate all the years of his marriage with Mary-Jane! Did someone order a deus ex machina with a side bullcrap? You know, if you didn't want Spidey to married, there are much better ways of going about it. This was just a bad move on Marvel's part, so much so that it's still a sore subject for fans to this day, like me!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Day 98
It's hard to say if you'd consider Dick Grayson (a.k.a. Nightwing; f.k.a. Robin) and Barbara Gordon (a.k.a. Oracle; f.k.a. Batgirl) and actual couple. They've been off and on and no doubt have history together. They practically grew up together, and suffered quite a bit. Though they're aren't officially a couple like Lois and Clark are. I guess it'd be like Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, in that they're both right for one another but can't seem to be together because of their own personal demons. It's kinda sad really. Seems pretty standard in the Bat-family. You get to be uber-awesome, yet you can't have a functional love life. That's what I call a trade off.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Day 97
Here's perhaps the most recognizable couple in comic books today. Lois Lane and Clark Kent, or as he's better known as....Superman! They've practically been a couple for well over 70 years now. Not even Batman has had any relationship lasting for more than 6 months. Then again, maybe Batman is too awesome to be tied down, but I digress. If this looks familiar to you, it's because I used a promo picture of Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher from Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman from the early '90s as a reference. I always liked that picture for some reason.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Day 96
Monday, April 5, 2010
Day 95
So we're starting Comic Book Couples this week! Yeah, I know. This would have been more appropriate if I had done this during the week of Valentine's Day, but I haven't been doing themed weeks until just recently. I will probably come back to this around Valentine's next year. But since spring is here, it can also a time of newly sprung romances as well, so it's not totally out of place. To start off, we have Reed and Sue Richards, Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four, naturally. They've been through many troubles and have more marital issues than Henry VIII, but despite all of that, they still stuck together. Plus they have a son who is pretty powerful. So there you go.
More comic book couples to come all week! But now I've used up the last page of my Moleskine sketchbook. Until I get a new one, I'll have to draw on regular white paper. Poo.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Day 94
Whew. This week is finally over. Needless to say, it's been a rough week for me, and I don't mean because it was Liefeld Week either. Although that didn't help matters any. I know I've had some health issues this week, but I didn't want that to affect my work ethic. I was really miffed at myself when I was unable to do my sketches on my respective days. I know things like this happen, but I was on such a roll with this project, and having a big bump in the road like this just affects my work. I don't feel as into it as I once was. If I don't keep up with something after a while, it's easy to lose interest in it. I don't want to be that guy anymore.
Again, I am sorry for all of those who are following this blog. I know, I know. It's not my fault, but still...I feel somewhat ashamed that you're having to put with my crappy drawing, half-heartedness, and my inability to get it on time. is sort of fitting that I do all of that on Liefeld week!
NO! No! Way too easy! I really need to cut the guy some slack. I don't dislike him or mean him any ill will. I guess it's just so much fun to lampoon his art style. I just try not to be too mean spirited about it. Lord knows I never want to be that guy.
So...that brings us to today's character. Another one from Rob's days at Marvel. Garrison Kane, another person who was in Weapon X project apparently. Not much I can say about this character, really. I was introduced to him as an action figure before I was introduced to him as a character, so what does that tell you? I know he's buddy-buddy with Cable, with them both being in the Six Pack and whatnot.
OK. That's it. I may return to this territory someday, and hopefully I'll have clean bill of health when I do...if I do. Tomorrow starts Comic Book Couples! That's a bit of a happier subject for me! Although.....I'm down to my last page in my Moleskine book!
To be continued....
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Day 93
I realize as I was doing this today, I didn't have enough pouches in these sketches. So here's another Youngblood member, Chapel. I got kinda lazy on this one. Sorry. Well....I guess one could argue it's still better than anything Liefeld's drawn, but that'd be too easy I think. One more to go!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Day 92
Rob Liefeld is notorious for ripping off ideas from other characters. Youngblood was formed from a story he pitched to DC Comics for Teen Titans. And he's also made numerous Wolverine rip-offs I'm sure. So I guess it was only a matter of time before he started ripping off classic heros, like, say....SUPERMAN! But no! Wait! Let's call him SUPREME! Yeah! That's like SUPerman that's extREME! SUPREME!
Well, the one good thing that came out of this is that Alan Moore did an entire retcon of this character and made him seem more like the Superman from the Silver Age, which I have a yet another soft spot in my heart for. But yes...I'm on a roll now. Next!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Day 91
Another one from my childhood memories in the early 90s! Shatterstar! Like Deadpool, he's had a few changes over the years, and has even been outted as a gay superhero (much to the chagrin of our old pal Rob). You know, I've always wondered though: if he's so adept at using swords, why does he need all those pouches? Or right...because Rob Liefeld has a pouch fetish! Next!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Day 90
Now here's a Liefeld character that evolved into something else. Deadpool! The Merc with a Mouth! Ok, I'll be honest; I never could get into this character. I guess I could see why people would like him, with his awesome fighting skills and his smart alec attitude. But me? I couldn't get into him. I don't know why.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Day 89
Now here's a blast from the past! Another of Rob's most timeless of characters: Stryfe! Ok, I'm going to be real with you folks right now; I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a soft-spot for this character. Yes, I know he's dumb, and his outfit is a bit ridiculous. BUT...I remember him vividly from the X-Cutioner's Song arc from the early 90s. It's basically what got me into reading X-Men and comics in general really. In hindsight, I realize how it may have been a tad extreme for most people's taste, but I'll always have (semi-)fond memories.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Day 88
Due to health problems, I was unable to do the Sketches for the past couple of days. Now I am here to post all these sketches and make up for lost time. Sorry for the convinience folks.

Yippee. It's Liefeld Week. I'm so excited.
This is painful. I think upon hearing that it's an entire week devoted to drawing Rob Liefeld characters in Liefeld's signature "style" may put me on bed rest for nearly a week. Well, let's just get this over with. Here's Shaft. You know him from Youngblood. Yadda yadda yadda. Moving on.

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Day 87
My last sidekick this week deserved some special attention. Mainly because his color motiff is what makes his costume. I guess you could argue that color is crucial in any superhero costumes, but chances are if you draw how the basic line work, you're gonna know who it is with or without color. I didn't think that this would be the case for Stripesy here. And who is Stripesy? He's the adult-sidekick to the teenaged-superhero The Star-Spangled Kid. You heard correctly (or read I should say): An ADULT sidekick to a TEENAGE hero! And this was during the Golden Age no less! Nowadays there's a new Star-Spangled Kid (Courtney Whitmore), and Stripesy, a.k.a. Pat Dugan, now wears this awesome armor and calls himself S.T.R.I.P.E. Though he doesn't mind being the back-up for whoever is wearing the starry costume.
That's it for sidekicks week! What a pleasant experience it's been! Nothing can dampen my spirits! Whatever the theme for this week is, I ain't scared! Bring it on!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Day 86
Here's an obscure one for you. I was going to do Sancho Panza from the Don Quixote stories, but I wasn't sure how I was going to do it. So instead I went with Sancho PANDA, sidekick of Don COYOTE! Get it? It's funny! I did this for two reasons: 1) I wanted to do this to make it as obscure as possible, and 2) I love pandas! So there you go! One more sidekick to go! Who's it gonna be?
Friday, March 26, 2010
Day 85
More sidekicks ahoy, Kemo Sabe! It's none other than Tonto, companion of the Lone Ranger. Some people have looked at him as a negative stereotype, and I'm not an advocate of such things for the sake of it. But Tonto was always a helpful ally to the Ranger. And he was pretty cool too.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Day 84
Today's sketch was a quick one, so I apologize if it looks somewhat unfinished. Today's sidekick is none other than Arthur, trusted comrade of the Tick. I have to tell you all, The Tick was one of my favorite cartoons growing up. What's so amazing about it though is how much it's still funny even to this day. In fact, I think I'll go pop in my Season One DVD and watch an episode or two before bed.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Day 83
Today's sidekick is Kato, chauffer of Britt Reid, and partner of the Green Hornet. Aside from being a master in martial arts, Kato is a loyal compatriot to Britt/Hornet. That's all I really know about him. I didn't grow reading much Green Hornet stuff. I saw an episode or two of the TV show, but not as much as the Batman show. Kato is probably most remembered as the character played by the legendary Bruce Lee in the old 60s show. He will be portrayed by Jay Chou in the upcoming movie starring Seth Rogen and Cameron Diaz. Looking forward to that.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 82
Famous Sidekicks week continues with Speedy, sidekick to Green Arrow. The original Speedy, Roy Harper, has had a rough life, what with overcoming drug addiction and being underappreciated by his peers and all. And lately he's had even worse in Cry for Justice. First he gets his arm ripped off, and then his little daughter Lian gets killed! Sheesh! And the current Speedy, Mia Dearden, was a former child prostitute and now she's HIV positive! Seems like anyone who takes on the Speedy mantle is just cursed. Come to think of it, that seems to be the case with a lot of superheroes nowadays. Why is it creators feel the need to put all their characters through such hell? I mean, it's one thing to challenge them, but then there's just being masochistic towards them! Sheesh!
Sorry, got off on a rant there. Anywho, more Sidekicks to come this week. Tune in to see who will be next.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Day 81
Let's get Famous Sidekicks Week going with James "Bucky" Barnes, sidekick to Captain America. He would supposedly die, but come back to life as the Winter Soldier, and eventually take up the mantle of the Cap himself. I always remembered people reviling him when I was younger. I never understood why. Oh well. Stay tuned for more Sidekicks this week.
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