Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Day 90
Now here's a Liefeld character that evolved into something else. Deadpool! The Merc with a Mouth! Ok, I'll be honest; I never could get into this character. I guess I could see why people would like him, with his awesome fighting skills and his smart alec attitude. But me? I couldn't get into him. I don't know why.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Day 89
Now here's a blast from the past! Another of Rob's most timeless of characters: Stryfe! Ok, I'm going to be real with you folks right now; I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a soft-spot for this character. Yes, I know he's dumb, and his outfit is a bit ridiculous. BUT...I remember him vividly from the X-Cutioner's Song arc from the early 90s. It's basically what got me into reading X-Men and comics in general really. In hindsight, I realize how it may have been a tad extreme for most people's taste, but I'll always have (semi-)fond memories.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Day 88
Due to health problems, I was unable to do the Sketches for the past couple of days. Now I am here to post all these sketches and make up for lost time. Sorry for the convinience folks.

Yippee. It's Liefeld Week. I'm so excited.
This is painful. I think upon hearing that it's an entire week devoted to drawing Rob Liefeld characters in Liefeld's signature "style" may put me on bed rest for nearly a week. Well, let's just get this over with. Here's Shaft. You know him from Youngblood. Yadda yadda yadda. Moving on.

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Day 87
My last sidekick this week deserved some special attention. Mainly because his color motiff is what makes his costume. I guess you could argue that color is crucial in any superhero costumes, but chances are if you draw how the basic line work, you're gonna know who it is with or without color. I didn't think that this would be the case for Stripesy here. And who is Stripesy? He's the adult-sidekick to the teenaged-superhero The Star-Spangled Kid. You heard correctly (or read I should say): An ADULT sidekick to a TEENAGE hero! And this was during the Golden Age no less! Nowadays there's a new Star-Spangled Kid (Courtney Whitmore), and Stripesy, a.k.a. Pat Dugan, now wears this awesome armor and calls himself S.T.R.I.P.E. Though he doesn't mind being the back-up for whoever is wearing the starry costume.
That's it for sidekicks week! What a pleasant experience it's been! Nothing can dampen my spirits! Whatever the theme for this week is, I ain't scared! Bring it on!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Day 86
Here's an obscure one for you. I was going to do Sancho Panza from the Don Quixote stories, but I wasn't sure how I was going to do it. So instead I went with Sancho PANDA, sidekick of Don COYOTE! Get it? It's funny! I did this for two reasons: 1) I wanted to do this to make it as obscure as possible, and 2) I love pandas! So there you go! One more sidekick to go! Who's it gonna be?
Friday, March 26, 2010
Day 85
More sidekicks ahoy, Kemo Sabe! It's none other than Tonto, companion of the Lone Ranger. Some people have looked at him as a negative stereotype, and I'm not an advocate of such things for the sake of it. But Tonto was always a helpful ally to the Ranger. And he was pretty cool too.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Day 84
Today's sketch was a quick one, so I apologize if it looks somewhat unfinished. Today's sidekick is none other than Arthur, trusted comrade of the Tick. I have to tell you all, The Tick was one of my favorite cartoons growing up. What's so amazing about it though is how much it's still funny even to this day. In fact, I think I'll go pop in my Season One DVD and watch an episode or two before bed.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Day 83
Today's sidekick is Kato, chauffer of Britt Reid, and partner of the Green Hornet. Aside from being a master in martial arts, Kato is a loyal compatriot to Britt/Hornet. That's all I really know about him. I didn't grow reading much Green Hornet stuff. I saw an episode or two of the TV show, but not as much as the Batman show. Kato is probably most remembered as the character played by the legendary Bruce Lee in the old 60s show. He will be portrayed by Jay Chou in the upcoming movie starring Seth Rogen and Cameron Diaz. Looking forward to that.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 82
Famous Sidekicks week continues with Speedy, sidekick to Green Arrow. The original Speedy, Roy Harper, has had a rough life, what with overcoming drug addiction and being underappreciated by his peers and all. And lately he's had even worse in Cry for Justice. First he gets his arm ripped off, and then his little daughter Lian gets killed! Sheesh! And the current Speedy, Mia Dearden, was a former child prostitute and now she's HIV positive! Seems like anyone who takes on the Speedy mantle is just cursed. Come to think of it, that seems to be the case with a lot of superheroes nowadays. Why is it creators feel the need to put all their characters through such hell? I mean, it's one thing to challenge them, but then there's just being masochistic towards them! Sheesh!
Sorry, got off on a rant there. Anywho, more Sidekicks to come this week. Tune in to see who will be next.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Day 81
Let's get Famous Sidekicks Week going with James "Bucky" Barnes, sidekick to Captain America. He would supposedly die, but come back to life as the Winter Soldier, and eventually take up the mantle of the Cap himself. I always remembered people reviling him when I was younger. I never understood why. Oh well. Stay tuned for more Sidekicks this week.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Day 80
It's quite a day today. Not only is it the last day of GREEN Week, but it's also the 80th day into my little project. It's hard to believe that I've made it this far! Anywho, to end GREEN Week, we have none other than the evil Green Goblin himself. In retrospect though, I think made his glider a wee bit big for him. Oh well. It be what it be.
And thus ends GREEN Week (meaning I won't be seeing me do any more Green colored least not until next year). Tomorrow begins Famous Sidekicks Week! Tune in to see what all I come up with.
(ok, more green letters, I promise)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Day 79
And it is Day 6 of GREEN Week! And here is another Bat-villain in The Riddler! Well...he used to be a villain anyway. I know he was reformed a while back. Not sure if he's still legit, but he'll be forever infamous as the green-clad, question-mark-sporting puzzle master to me. So only one more entry left this week. Who's it going to be?
Friday, March 19, 2010
Day 78
Now here's someone who puts the term "Green" in a more pejorative sense: Dr. Pamela Isley, also known as Poison Ivy! Her whole deal is she wants to cover the world in plant life and have nature take its course again. A noble cause, but the way she doesn't isn't, how shall we say...ethical! Luckily we have good ol' Batman to thwart her schemes before she can turn Gotham into a green nightmare, like the one in the "Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill" segment from the movie Creepshow. The last two entrys of GREEN Week will be villains, but who will they be? Tune in to find out!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Day 77
So another St. Patrick's Day has come and gone, but GREEN Week continues! And here we have Britt Reid, newspaper publisher by day, but by night he is the Green Hornet! The character has been pretty popular since the days of World War II, and now they're making a movie starring Seth Rogen of all people. Should be interesting to see how that turns out. So that's today's GREEN entry. Stay tuned for more tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Day 76
Yup, this is why I decided to go with GREEN Week: because it coincides with St. Patty's Day. So what do I do to celebrate this occasion? Draw a picture of course! But not just any picture; I have to draw something that screams Irish. Originally I was going to draw Banshee from the X-Men, drunk on Irish whiskey, wearing a leprechaun hat and singinig "Oh Danny Boy!" But I'm not one to promote stereotypes, no matter how funny they are. So I then I came across this obscure Marvel heroine named Shamrock!
Shamrock (secret identity Molly Fitzgerald) is possessed with the spirits of people were were victims of wars. Said spirits are able to manifest themselves as poltergeists and thus affect her probablity within 20 feet of her. Thus giving her the "Luck of the Irish." Yeah, perhaps it is stereotypical, now that I think about it. Then again, it's not as pejorative as my original Banshee idea. And look! I even have sitting on a pot of gold. Again, perhaps stereotypical, but it could also work considering what her powers are!
Anywho, hope you all have a safe holiday today! But GREEN week isn't over yet! Stay tuned to see what else I come up with!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Day 75
GREEN Week continues with the Green Lantern. Now you're probably saying, "But Lew! You already drew the Green Lantern!" Well, it's true. I drew A Green Lantern. This time I went with the original GL, Alan Scott. I haven't read much GL comics lately, and I certainly don't know much about titles like Blackest Night. I guess I'll just wait fro the trades. Anyway, tomorrow is a special day for GREEN Week! What will I draw next?
Monday, March 15, 2010
Day 74
Today begins GREEN week, in which I draw characters with the word GREEN in their names or who's primary color in their outfits are GREEN. And to demonstrate this, I will be coloring all the pictures with shades of GREEN all week long. So let's get things started, shall we?
Here is the first entry of GREEN Week. It's none other than Green Arrow! Pretty straight forward, no? I must say though I'm not too thrilled about what they're doing with him these days, especially after the events of Cry for Justice. Just my opinion anyway. So what other GREEN things will I have this week? Stay tuned to find out!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Day 73
You all didn't think I'd have a Supervillains Week without having Doctor Doom, did you? Of course not! But I felt I'd save the best for last, and so here it is. The Lord of Latvaria himself! I went with the classic pose of him holding out his hand as if he was crushing air. That's the Doom I know and love, and you probably do too! And thus concludes Supervillains Week. Tomorrow begins GREEN week, in which I draw characters that have "Green" in their name or wear primarily green costumes. So stick around for that!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Day 72
Supervillains Week entry 6; Mr. Freeze! I modeled him more after the Freeze from the animated series, not the Arnold Schwarzenegger abomination from the Batman and Robin movie. So yeah...that means we only have one more Supervillain to go. Who will it be? Tune in for the thrilling conclusion! Same LEW! time! Same LEW! Blog!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Day 71
This entry in Supervillains Week is the Red Skull, the archenemy of Captain America. There is some buzz going around now that Hugo Weaving is going to play him in the Captain America movie. I think that's an excellent choice personally. Now if we can get a decent Cap! I thought Jon Krasinski would've been pretty cool, but apparently he's out. Oh well. The search continues. Anywho, two more entries left in Supervillains Week. Who will they be?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Day 70
Today's supervillain is Braniac! Yup! Ol' Vril Dox of the planet Colu himself. I went with his Silver Age costume. Why? Because! I know people joke about how it's lacking pants and all, but that's just the thing; Brainiac is so evil, he doesn't need pants! HA! The villainy continues tomorrow, but who will it be? Hint: it's a Marvel character.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Day 69
69 days into my 365 project! And Day 3 of Supervillains Week! Today I went with Magneto, the master of magneticism and long-time rival of the X-Men. Now it is sort of debatable as to whether or not he is considered a "villain" because he doesn't think of himself as a villain. Rather he feels everything he does is for the sake of the survival of mutant kind, and that is understandable. However, seeing as how he does a lot of bad stuff in the name of mutant kind (like attempted genocide and whatnot), I say that makes him quite a Supervillain.
Stay tuned for more eviscerating evil as Supervillains Week continues with....wouldn't you like to know?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Day 68
Supervillains Week continues! And here to commemorate this continuation is none other than the evil primate Gorilla Grodd! He makes Mojo Jojo look like Lancelot Link. Perhaps the biggest challenge for me on this one was to make him look like more than just a gorilla, but then I remembered that he sometimes wears a cape! So problem solved there! Whew! Anywho, enjoy today's entry, and stay tuned for tomorrow's deviant devil!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Day 67
Supervillains Week begins with Otto Gunther Octavius (a.k.a. Doctor Octopus). I went with the old school yellow and green outfit for this one. Why? Because I can, that's why! I must say I'm quite pleased with how this one turned out. My last couple of sketches haven't been to my liking much. Perhaps because I didn't as much time on them as I did this one. Ah well. Things are looking up now. And more super-badness in store all week long!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Day 66
This a bit late in getting here. I do apologize. I haven't been home all day today, plus I was having an Oscar viewing party with friends. More on that later.
So here is the final entry for Indies Week: the title character from V for Vendetta. From the graphic novel by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. So...yeah. Tomorrow begins Supervillains Week! What horrible heels will I come up with? Stay tuned and find out!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Day 65
Indies Week continues with The Goon. I know...I didn't have access to my scanner so I took a picture with my camera phone. I will go back and scan it when I'm able. Anywho...Enjoy!
Friday, March 5, 2010
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